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Wednesday, December 6, 2017


It’s a conductor which connect the substation or generating station to the area where power is tapping are taken from a feeder so that current in it remains the same.

It’s a conductor from which tapping is taking for supply to the consumer the current through a distributor it’s not Couse tapping are taken at various places along with length.

It's generally a small cable which connects the distributed to a consumer terminal

Overhead Vs. underground
1) Public safety                           → underground system is safer then overhead system
2) Initial cost                                → underground system is more expensive
3) Flexibility                                   → overhead system much more flexible
4) Fault                                            →         underground system is very rear.
5) Appearance                                → underground system is good then the overhead system
6) Maintained cost                          → underground system is very low
7) Fault location and repair           → different to locate and repair on underground system

8) Useful life                                     → underground system much longer then overhead line

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